Wanna get an at-home HIV test kit?
At Home HIV Tests are now available in PEI!
At home HIV test kits (aka HIV Self-Testing) were finally approved in Canada in 2020. These testing technologies have been available in several other countries around the world for many years. With a self-test, an individual collects their own sample, conducts the test, and interprets the result – similar to an at home pregnancy test! Currently, the only self-test that is licensed for use in Canada is the INSTI HIV Self-Test.
PEERS Alliance is partnering with REACH Nexus on the I’m Ready to Know project to increase access to low-barrier HIV testing options for people in Prince Edward Island. I'm Ready is a first-of-its-kind national research program that provides access to free, accurate, confidential HIV self-test kits and the choice to connect to care through on-demand technology platforms and peer navigation support.
To participate in the project and access the test kits, you will need a smart phone and access to wireless internet or data. Then, download the I’m Ready, Test mobile app. Once you’ve downloaded the app, you can choose to have up to three self-test kits delivered to your address, or you can pick-up your kit(s) from PEERS Alliance in Charlottetown.
Please know that as you go through the program, peer navigators are available to support you any time before, during or after you test through the I’m Ready, Talk secure telehealth service.